The Surprising Benefits of Eating on the Floor for the World's Oldest People


This may encourage you to purchase one or more floor pillows.

The Blue Zones are becoming increasingly popular, and with good reason. These five regions of the world are thought to have the highest concentration of centenarians or people who live to be 100 years old or older. Most of these regions have very few cases of diseases like heart disease, dementia, and cancer, which are wreaking havoc in countries like the United States.

Many people are interested in learning about the Blue Zones' secrets to longevity in the hopes of adopting these habits in their own lives. Instead of trying to fix a problem after it has already occurred, these communities incorporate health into their daily routines and value preventative medicine. They achieve this by eating well, living in close quarters, and exercising regularly.

One Blue Zone, in particular, follows an ancient yet simple practice that keeps them healthy for the rest of their lives. In Okinawa, Japan, people sit on the floor for many daily activities, including resting, reading, spending time with loved ones, and even eating!

But what role does eating on the flooring play in their overall health and vitality?

According to the original BlueZones website, Okinawans sit on the floor and stand up more often than people in other parts of the world, which is dedicated to staying on top of longevity research and practices related to centenarians.

"As they get up and down throughout the day, this naturally exercises their legs, back, and core. According to the website, sitting on the floor also helps improve posture and overall strength, flexibility, and mobility ".

According to research, maintaining mobility throughout your life can help you live longer. According to a widely circulated study published in the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology, being unable to stand and sit on the floor was linked to a shorter lifespan.

We spend a lot of time sedentary in the United States, especially those who work from home. As a result, we frequently miss opportunities to move throughout the day, compromising our longevity and overall health.

If you're looking for a simple way to improve your health, the Blue Zone website recommends investing in comfortable floor pillows and switching up your routine! Consider eating one meal per day on the floor or holding your next Zoom meeting there!

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