5 Ways Your Skin is Telling You That Your Heart's in Trouble

These skin symptoms could be a subtle (or not-so-subtle) sign of heart disease.

Your skin is a window into your overall health because it is your largest organ and the only one visible from the outside. And the same way, stress can cause breakouts and aggravate conditions such as eczema, and symptoms of other internal health issues can also show up on your skin. Seeing something unusual on your skin could be one of the first signs that something is wrong with one of your other organs, such as your heart.

The American Academy of Dermatology explains, "Warning symptoms might appear on your skin and nails, so your dermatologist may be the first doctor to notice that you have heart disease." Various growths, discolorations, or swelling in certain areas could be linked to severe heart complications. Read on to discover which specific skin signs may be problematic and warrant a heart health check-up.

1. Changes in skin color

When exposed to cold temperatures, your skin can become bluish (the medical term for this is cyanosis). However, if you notice this complexion change—specifically in your toes, fingers, or lips—while your body is warm, it may indicate a heart problem. The Mayo Clinic says, "When the heart muscle does not pump blood as well as it should, heart failure occurs. The skin may seem blue (cyanotic) due to a lack of blood flow."

A web-like purple pattern under the skin that persists even in warmer temperatures could also be a red flag. The condition is called livedo reticularis, and it commonly affects the arms or legs.

2. Yellow-colored growths

The appearance of waxy yellow skin growths may be bad news for your heart. The painless growths, called xanthomas, may look like a rash or warts at first glance, but they are buildups of fat under the skin, indicating a higher overall level of cholesterol in the blood.

When cholesterol levels in the body are too high, cholesterol can build up on the walls of your arteries, causing atherosclerosis, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The clinic explains that "this condition causes arteries to narrow, and the narrowed blood vessels reduce blood flow to the heart." "This can cause angina (chest pain) due to insufficient blood supply to the heart, or a heart attack if a blood vessel is fully blocked and the heart muscle begins to die."

Contact your doctor if you notice the sudden appearance of yellow or orange bumps on your skin. They can pop up anywhere on the body but are most commonly found on joints, like your knees and elbows. And a specific type of xanthoma, called xanthelasmas, even develops on the eyelids.

3. Pitted skin on your feet and ankles

Do your shoes or socks feel a bit tighter recently? Edema, or swelling of the feet and ankles, is another symptom of heart disease. As the heart weakens, it cannot pump blood properly via the veins to areas such as the feet and back, causing a buildup. According to a National Library of Medicinepage, "it gathers in the legs, and fluid is forced out of the blood vessels into the surrounding tissue."

Be particularly cautious of what's known as 'pitted' edema. It is more closely associated with heart problems than non-pitted edema, which is often linked to thyroid or lymphatic system complications. By lightly pressing the affected area, you can tell which is which. If an indentation, or 'pit,' remains afterward, you are dealing with pitted edema.

4. Itchy, inflamed legs

Stasis dermatitis, a form of eczema, is a skin inflammation in the lower legs caused by poor circulation and fluid buildup, which results in red, itchy, dry, and even scaly skin. It can be caused by poor heart function, as blood flows freely through the veins, just like edema.

Jenny Murase, MD, an associate clinical professor of dermatology, stressed the importance of catching and treating the disease early in a statement to the National Eczema Association. "Recognizing stasis dermatitis early may help reveal a life-threatening condition and prevent the skin condition from progressing from swelling, redness, and itching to open, oozing ulceration that are vulnerable to infection," Murase said.

5. Red lesions

Janeway lesions and Osler's nodes are reddish-purple raised lumps or patches on the skin. On the other hand, Janeway lesions are usually non-tender and appear on the palms and soles of the feet, whereas Osler's nodes, which appear on the fingers and the bottoms of the toes, can be painful.

Despite their differences, both can be manifestations of bacterial endocarditis, a potentially life-threatening infection in the lining and inner valves of the heart. Bacterial endocarditis can cause heart failure, heart attacks, and other complications if left untreated. People with previous complications such as heart valve disease, Rheumatic heart disease, or a heart transplant are more at risk of this dangerous infection.

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